Wrestling with God

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2004 Award of Merit Winner from Christianity Today

We give ourselves to God and then struggle profoundly with the relationship. We are drawn in and then want to flee in fear. We move from faith to doubt, trust to confusion, intimacy to a feeling of abandonment.

Coming to faith is like falling in love. It can be a head-over-heels rush to the altar, or a slow acceptance that slips into a heartfelt embrace. Either way, eventually romance crashes headlong into reality. Often we make things worse either by feeling guilty about our struggles with doubt or by trying to dismiss them as unimportant or insignificant. We may even become resentful that God does not simply step in to clear up our confusion. When we find ourselves in any of these predicaments, the only way out is to face our uncertainties about God deliberately and directly.

In Wrestling with God James Emery White explores these struggles we all face - struggles of heart, soul, mind and strength. And struggles to love our neighbors as ourselves. In this eBook you will find your tough questions about God addressed. Better still, you will find the way to renewed faith.

"‘Wrestling with God’ is an anointed book. As I read, I felt constrained to stop frequently to think, to take notes, to reflect on my own spiritual journey and, finally, to thank God for such a rich feast of thought and insight."
- Gordon MacDonald, author of Ordering Your Private World and Mid-Course Correction

"James Emery White lays bare the tension points - doubt, confusion, resentment - that stifle true intimacy with God. By walking us through our deepest struggles to understand God, White is just the person to chip away at the wall separating us from our deepest desires to know and be known by God and each other.”
- Dr. John Maxwell, author, speaker and founder of the INJOY Group