After “I Believe”

You've finally made the decision to say, "I believe," but what comes next? Is there a next step in your spiritual development and if so, what is it? What comes after saying "I believe" is essential and it's the way someone truly becomes a fully devoted follower of Christ. In the series "After 'I Believe'", James Emery White takes you through the basics of growing in faith, connecting with the church and learning how to set a solid foundation to build a vibrant life with Christ.

Want to go deeper? This series is based on the latest book by James Emery White called After “I Believe.” Find out more information and where you can get your copy HERE.

We also have resources for pastors and church leaders designed to serve the ministries within your church.

Individual Messages:
1 - Myths and Deceptions
2 - Time With God
3 - Life in Community
4 - In Spirit and Truth
5 - Keeping in Step